
A conference for all

Do you ever feel like the world has all the fun, while the church is a place for saying no? Has someone close to you expressed that the gospel sometimes feels like a command to suppress our joy? How do the desires we have match with the design we were made for?

If you find yourself wrestling with any of the questions above or walking alongside those who are, we at TGC Norden want to warmly invite you to our upcoming conference “Rejoice in God” in Stockholm, Sweden. October 5–7 we will be digging into the Psalms, the book of Isaiah, and ultimately the gospel itself together, asking the Lord to guide us in the tensions of modern life while enabling us to rejoice in him. If you are reading this article, know we desire your presence there and trust you will be richly blessed by our time together, as we spend time in worship, fellowship, and of course the preaching and teaching of God’s Word by gifted speakers and pastors from around the Nordics and even as far away as Zambia.

Why another conference?

We recognize that conferences today no longer serve the same purposes they once did. It is true that you could far more easily (and cheaply!) stream sermons and teaching sessions from the comfort of your own living room than travel to Stockholm. However, we continue to find that in-person time together has great value for us all! We are not simply getting together to network, but to build trust; we are not seeking a mere transference of knowledge, but the rounded nature of wisdom and insights given in close proximity to our brothers and sisters. There are people we know of, having possibly seen a video of their teaching or read a well-crafted article they wrote, and yet we have not met them or broken bread with them. Attending TGCN23 presents the opportunity for strengthening both partnerships and friendships that we trust shall last throughout eternity.

Bring the whole family

We are keeping our conference short and affordable, so that you can make it back in time to gather with your local church family on Sunday. We have also chosen a central location within the city, hoping you might take time to explore and enjoy the beauty of Stockholm before and after the conference. Our tentative schedule includes many breaks and pauses, allowing space for meaningful connection and friendship. By gathering a team of volunteers from around the world, we have sought to ensure that even the smallest among us can attend alongside pastors, mothers, lay leaders, and singles (yes, we do mean there will be kid’s program!).

As a small conference, TGCN23 will offer an intimate, dare I say hyggelig, environment to draw near to others who understand the challenges and uniqueness of our context as Christians living in the Nordics and to hear from the Lord as a people desperate for God to make himself known among our countries.

So browse the (tentative) schedule, book your hotel, plan your travels to Stockholm, and register today so we can all rejoice together in October. Vi ses snart!

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